RVP's charitable aims are to preserve LNER coaching stock from the period 1923-1950 and items of railway postal history. To this end we have collected several vehicles over the past 50 years and, more recently, have passed some vehicles that do not fit with this policy to more appropriate locations.The collection is split into two parts; those vehicles owned directly by RVP, and those owned by individual members with whom we have agreements to restore and operate them.All (but one) of our vehicles are now based on the Great Central Railway. Those vehicles in serviceable condition operate regularly in GCR trains, and feature in several special events each year.

Number: 2704
Type: BGP
Design: Gresley
Built: York 1936
Status: Restored

Number: 4050
Type: BGP
Design: Gresley
Built: York 1940
Status: Operational

Number: 18033
Type: CK
Design: Gresley
Built: York 1924
Status: Stored

Number: 23981
Type: TO
Design: Gresley
Built: BRCW 1936
Status: Under Restoration

Number: 24278
Type: RB
Design: Gresley
Built: York 1937
Status: Operational

Number: 57451
Type: BTK
Design: Gresley
Built: York 1940
Status: Stored

Number: 62565
Type: BTK
Design: Gresley
Built: York 1927
Status: At Works

Number: 70268E
Type: POT
Design: Gresley
Built: Dunkinfield 1931
Status: Operational

Number: 70294E
Type: POS
Design: Gresley
Built: York 1937
Status: Operational

Number: 70654E
Type: BZ
Design: Thompson
Built: Stratford 1950
Status: Operational

Number: 80301
Type: POS
Design: Mark 1
Built: Wolverton 1959
Status: Operational

Number: 80349
Type: POS
Design: Mark 1
Built: York 1968
Status: Operational

Number: 93579
Type: GUV
Design: Mark 1
Built: Glasgow 1959
Status: In Use

Number: 94707
Type: CCT
Design: Mark 1
Built: Earlstown 1961
Status: In Use

Number: B964122
Type: RTV
Design: Former Mark 1
Built: Rothley 2017
Status: Operational
The following table lists historic vehicles owned by individual RVP members. These vehicles are restored and maintained by volunteers on the GCR.

Number: 1719E
Type: OBS
Design: Gresley
Built: Doncaster 1937
Status: Operational

Number: 1729
Type: OBS
Design: Gresley
Built: Doncaster 1937
Status: Undergoing rebuild

Number: 24080
Type: RB
Design: Gresley
Built: York 1937
Status: In Works

Number: 80307
Type: POS
Design: Mark 1
Built: Wolverton 1959
Status: Waiting Works

Number: 80345
Type: POS
Design: Mark 1
Built: York 1968
Status: Operational

Number: 80401
Type: POT
Design: Mark 1
Built: Wolverton 1959
Status: Operational

Number: 80438
Type: POT
Design: Mark 1
Built: Wolverton 1967
Status: Operational

Number: 80458
Type: BPOT
Design: Mark 1
Built: Wolverton 1967
Status: Operational

Number: 96202E
Type: CCT
Design: Gresley
Built: 1960
Status: Operational
Our members also own many other vehicles. The table below lists those member owned Carriages based on the Great Central. Generally these are maintained by the GCR's paid staff and used to form the normal service trains on the GCR. Members also own many other vehicles located elsewhere which are not listed here.

With over 35 years of our own history there have been several important vehicles that we previously owned (and in many cases restored) before passing them on to more appropriate groups or locations. Brief details are given here. We welcome any further information on the current whereabouts of any of these vehicles.

Page last updated 14/11/23